English Frontier International(EFI)

 Live English Conversation Online

Be the change that you want ,to see the world-Mahatma Ghandi

"One -on one class"

Mission and Vision


1. To uphold highest standard, extremely effective and rigorous opportunities that produces a very high levels of learner achievement necessary for career readiness.

2. Build an outstanding online learning environment and develop relationship that makes positive difference on our learner's lives.

Core Values:

1 .Maintain a student centred approach.

2. Online Courses must be engaging and interactive

3. Learners, parents , teachers and managers plays an important role in learning process.

4. Pre-Assessment and post evaluation is vital to learners development.

Why EFI?

  1. Earn certificate upon completion .
  2. Active, Friendly and Certified teachers who will develop your speaking skills.
  3. Free, fun & Useful lessons for Beginners as early as 7 yrs.old.
  4. Suitable lessons according to your needs.
  5. Helps you prepare for  100 % guaranteed result in an Interview and academic exam.
  6. Email access to support and advice.
  7. Learn whenever and wherever you are.
  8. Free Competences evaluation 

    ยท language structure,reading comprehension,listening and oral expression

         English Frontier International (EFI) is the newest Online School caters an  Intensive English training and provides a vast array of distance learning from all ages in selected regions around the world like Vietnam, India, Korea, Pakistan and China.  Learning English is ineffective without applying it in  daily life, so our goal is to reach out  learners developed their confidence in communicating with foreign teachers online  and create connections with wider range of the world's population. An active conversation between our distinguished teachers will increase the ability  in oral communication skills, improve work skills to help you get a new job in a multinational company within your country or abroad, or to get a promotion in your current job, digital literacy and develop professionalism . EFI offer each student a convenient learning of designated courses in their most flexible time anywhere and anytime. Classes were taught by well-trained and certified Teachers from the Philippines and US. Student Assessor will help develop a plan of study, select your classes, evaluates your improvement after each course.

 EFI Company by Johanna & CO..
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